Your body is communicating with you all the time. Remember the game of telephone you played at summer camp? ☎️ Though usually hilarious to hear how the message had morphed by the time it got to the 20th person....We want to be able to identify a clear and accurate message as quickly as possible!
How can you tell if your lunch is helping or hindering your health, mood, and focus? 🥗
➡️ Eat slowly and mindfully 🐢
↳ Not only does this signal your nervous system to create an optimal environment for digestion, it allows you to feel a sense of gratitude for the food and observe your body and mind’s response to the process of nourishing yourself.
➡️ Don’t combine your lunch with an important meeting → minimize distractions.
↳ I always schedule meetings over tea or coffee - simple and predictable, allowing me to focus on the meeting itself.
➡️ Keep food choices simple until you get a feel for how the ingredients effect you 🍓
↳ Avoid lunching on a burger, salad, soda, and ice cream….for example. Way too say the least!
➡️ Pay attention to how you feel afterwards. 🌵
↳ Do you feel dehydrated? The food is probably too hot for you at this moment. And I’m not referring to its temperature, but rather its nature.
Keeping a food journal can be so helpful. 📓 Not only will the exercise be educational for you, you’ll begin to connect the dots between certain foods and how you feel.
Developing an innate understanding of how you metabolize food is empowering as you start to trust your body’s wisdom. 💫