Frequently Asked Questions
Your Questions, Answered
How should I prepare for my first appointment?
Please be sure to complete your account set-up once you or I have scheduled you for your first appointment. This will ensure you receive all appointment reminders and it allows us to communicate within a HIPAA compliant platform. You will receive a Welcome Email with all information needed to have a successful first appointment. If you are coming in for acupuncture, directions to the office with parking information will be found in your Welcome Email. If you have scheduled a telehealth appointment, information regarding how we will connect virtually will also be found in your Welcome Email. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture is an extremely effective and gentle health modality. Sometimes you may feel a slight prick as the pin is tapped into the skin. Much of the time, you won't feel anything at all, but the relaxing flow of energy circulating throughout your body.